Roan Wolf Mares


H M Quarter Horses

Scenic, South Dakota


Steel Gray Baker

RBM Roan Baker

Steel Gray Lady

 Steel Gray Duster

Six To Six

RBM Duster Wolf

Sally Six

Dusted With Heather

2002 Gray Mare

Heather Sue

Harlan's Last

Harmons Iron Wolf

Harmons Squawetta



Dixie Beetch 2

21.17% Roan Wolf, 20.28% Harlan. A sweet heart of a mare. Roan Wolf sired an AQHA Champion and multiple ROM Performance earners. We sold Heather in the fall of 2023 to the Turner family of TN as she needed a place that was a little greener and kinder in the winter. We did manage to keep three of her daughters for replacements, 2 by Sabre Charged and 1 by Number Nine Wire.

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