"Your Source for Harlan Genetics on the Northern Plains"
Scenic, South Dakota
H M Quarter Horses
For Sale
Name Pending
2024 Roan Mare
Popular Resort Figure
Vegas Resort
Regers Sheba
Number Nine Wire
Harlans Miss Jo Jo
Big Honey Harlan
Tyrees Miss Jo Jo
Harmons Iron Wolf
Sabre Charged
Sabre Ace Lady
Harlans Silver Sabre
Dusted With Heather
Steel Gray Duster
Heather Sue
Pretty baby out of a first time mom. She is not going to be real big - but neither are mom or grandma.
Number Nine Wire has been ridden in the sale barn, calving and had some tie down roping training and he was showing some ability. Vegas Resort, has his Performance ROM, has qualified for the World Show in Open Heading, Heeling, Tie Down Roping and Performance Halter. Popular Resortfigure, "Pop Tart" is the 2002 Superhorse with multiple world championships. Sire of many NFR Tie Down horses ridden by the top PRCA ropers.
Harlans Silver Sabre has 2 lines to the great Harlander mare Condoba. She is one of the 3 daughters we kept from Dusted With Heather. Harlans Silver Sabre is a full sister to Miss Harlans Heather, winner of 2018 Denver Stock Show Amateur All Around in roping in her first show.
"Your Source for Harlan Genetics on the Northern Plains"