Cee Booger Red Mares

Cee Booger Red with Debbie Foreman and Larry Kerns


H M Quarter Horses

Scenic, South Dakota


Cee Bar Sweetie

1999 Gray Mare

 Cee Bars

Cee Bar Badger 71

 Badger Gal 71

 Cee Booger Red

 Cara Rojo

 Cross 1 59 Bell 71

 Cross 5 59 Bell

 Smooth Mattye

 Jet Smooth

 Smooth Exceed

Sugar Bar Exceed

 Ariel Boy Blue

 Mattye 10

 Irene 37

79% Foundation. 50% Cee Booger Red.  An own daughter of Cee Booger Red! We have kept 3 of her daughters to go into the brood mare band. We tried to buy another daughter back and were told that she would never be for sale. "Sweetie" has multiple performers in the rodeo arena doing barrels, steer wrestling and roping. Cee Booger Red's crossed on Harlan are a proven cross for rodeo and roping. Smooth Mattye is 1D barrel producer and "Sweetie" is also 1D barrel producer.   Bred to Number Nine Wire for a 2024 foal.


Bling Rodeo Casino 

2009 Bay Roan Mare

6 Panel N/N

Cee Bar Badger 71

 Cee Booger Red

 Cross 1 59 Bell 71

Badgers Rodeo Red

Harlanders Rosebud


 Oklahoma Rosebud

Jezebel Ropin Casino

 Lowry Star

 Casino Ropin Hancock

Harletta Hancock

 Roan Bar Jeanie

Roan Bar 2

 Dorenes Starlight

25% Cee Booger Red. 10.9375% Harlan. 6-Panel N/N. Daughter of Badgers Rodeo Red, Open Reserve World Champion - Senior Tie-Down Roping, Open Performance ROM, Amateur Performance ROM, Open Superior Tie-Down Roping, Amateur High Point Tie-Down Roping, Amateur High Point Breakaway Roping with Points in Heading, Heeling, Tie-Down, Breakaway, Barrel Racing, Pole Bending. Sire of Multiple 1D Barrel Horses, Futurity Winners and World Show Qualifiers in Roping Events as well as Barrels. Harletta Hancock is by the great tripping horse Seminole Charley.


Correct mare with some foundation ranch breeding on the bottom side. Brings in a fancy foal every year that is consistently one of our top sellers. Dam of 2023 Royal Crown 4 year old Tie down Champion at Buckeye, AZ. Bred to Harlans Top Gun for a 2024 foal.


Jans Buckskin Rose

2012 Buckskin Mare

5 Panel N/N


Harlans Eagle

Lady Bacchus 2

Downeys Harlan

Pay A Jet Charger

Jeta Irish Rose

Rosa Duchess

Cee Booger Rose

Cee Bar Badger 71

 Cee Booger Red

 Cross 1 59 Bell 71

Pure Tari

Pudden Tari

Fine Miss

25% Cee Booger Red and 12.5 % Harlan. Thanks to Don Bruce of OK for giving us the opportunity to add this mare to our program. Cee Booger Rose was one of the mares we lost in the Atlas blizzard was an absolute sweetheart. This mare always seems to bring in a good one. She is bred to Number Nine Wire for a 2024 foal.


Scenic Saffire

2015 Palomino Mare

Cee Bar Badger 71

 Cee Booger Red

 Cross 1 59 Bell 71

Badgers Rodeo Red

Harlanders Rosebud


 Oklahoma Rosebud

 Toponas Jewel

Harmons Iron Wolf

 Point De Loup

Sabre Ace Lady

Slew Valley

 Toponas Slew

 Nurse Valley

25% Cee Booger Red, 14.06% Harlan. 6-Panel N/N. A home bred mare. Started in the summer of 2017 by Becky Amio for 30 days. She is coming along just like her pedigree says she should. She is out of our "Jewel" mare that retired from being a broodmare and has gone on to do well in performance trail classes and earned a performance ROM. Bred to Number Nine Wire for a 2024 foal.


Macee Rain

2018 Gray Mare

6 Panel N/N

Harlan's Last

Harmons Iron Wolf

Harmons Squawetta

Sabre Charged

Dudes Sabre Jet

Sabre Ace Lady


Cee Bar Sweetie

Cee Bar Badger 71

 Cee Booger Red

 Cross 1 59 Bell 71

Smooth Exceed

 Smooth Mattye

Mattye 10

25% Cee Booger Red, 12.5% Harlan. 6 Panel N/N. One of our Sabre Charged daughters out of Sweetie that we have kept. Stout made and friendly. Bred to Harlans Top Gun for a 2024 foal.



2019 Gray Mare

6 Panel N/N

Harlan's Last

Harmons Iron Wolf

Harmons Squawetta

Sabre Charged

Dudes Sabre Jet

Sabre Ace Lady


Badgers Rodeo Gold

 Cee Booger Red

 Badgers Rodeo Red

Harlanders Rosebud

Regers He Might

 Regers Angel

 Boogers Sugar

18.75% Cee Booger Red, 15.625% Harlan. 6-Panel N/N. One of the Badgers Rodeo Gold daughters that we have kept. Stout made and friendly. Will be bred in 2024 for a 2025 foal.


Cee My Sabre

2020 Gray Mare

Harlan's Last

Harmons Iron Wolf

Harmons Squawetta

Sabre Charged

Sabre Ace Lady

Dudes Sabre Jet


Cee Bar Sweetie

Cee Bar Badger 71

 Cee Booger Red

 Cross 1 59 Bell 71

 Smooth Mattye

Smooth Exceed

Mattye 10

 25% Cee Booger Red, 12.5% Harlan. Another one of our Sabre Charged daughters out of Sweetie that we have kept. Probably the prettiest out of all of them. Will be bred in 2024 for a 2025 foal.

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