"Your Source for Harlan Genetics on the Northern Plains"

Scenic, South Dakota

H M Quarter Horses

Brood Mares - Reference


Tyrees Watch

Watch Joe Jack

Two Eyed Jack

Watch Jo Moore

Ima Tyree

Harlan's Tyree

Ima McKee

Tyrees Miss Jo Jo

1986 Dun Mare

Miss Double Hop Jo

Double Hop

Double Express

Hopi Five

Jo Jo Miss

Prince Jo Jo

Gordon's Bay Lady

It was with great sadness that we had to report that this incredible mare died in the spring of 2007. We feel fortunate to have owned this grand lady and that we retained two of her daughters to keep for our broodmare band. JoJo was one of those once in a lifetime mares and she will be missed around here for a long time.


Tyrees Watch

Watch Joe Jack

Two Eyed Jack

Watch Jo Moore

Ima Tyree

Harlan's Tyree

Ima McKee

Tyrees Wheel

1993 Buckskin Mare

Miss Levan Ann

 Ben Levan

Froggie Hale


 Van Ann

 Johnny Salute

 Zan's Mary Ann

We sold "Squee" fall 2010 to Ken Glaser and Paula Coffey and she was retired as a broodmare. They started riding her again and she was a loved part of their family for many years.


Tyrees Watch

Watch Joe Jack

Two Eyed Jack

Watch Jo Moore

Ima Tyree

Harlan's Tyree

Ima McKee

Maysdorf Candy

1991 Bay Mare

Pretty Candy Pam

Poco Villa

Poco Bob

Pretty Candy

Crookston Candy


Candy Bar

Another grand mare from the Don Stearns program that we lost in the spring of 2011. She always brought in a fancy baby. We have kept one of her daughters in our program, Zans Red Hot Candy and she is following in her mother's footsteps.


Jacks Firery Roan

Zan Parr Jack

Zan Parr Bar

Miss Goldie Jack

Lambent Dyna

Keep The Fire

Smokey Miss Dyna

Jo Jo Jacks

1998 Bay Mare

Tyrees Jo Jo

Tyrees Watch

Watch Joe Jack

Ima Tyree

Miss Double Hop Jo

Double Hop

Jo Jo Miss

She represents what we are all about. "Monkey" was out of the great Tyrees Miss Jo Jo and always produced one of our top foals.


Jerico Harlan

Zippo Country Boy

Zippo Pat Bars

Poco Country Girl

Dixie Ann Beach


Toppers Best

Harlans Mayflower

1996 Chestnut Mare

Smokys Sis

Smoky Harlan


Campbells Girl

Ritas Lady


Ritas Bert Leo

From the Estate of Bob Robey. Bob Robey called her his 50 cent mare. We had to put this plucky mare down in 2015. We are fortunate to have a daughter as a replacement. She was a finished calf roping mare that had gone down the road successfully. 46.88% Harlan, 93.75% Foundation.


Jodie Bob Harlan

 Harlan Okmulgee


Quarter Mulgee

 Harlettas Image


Red Harletta

Harlans Little Bit

1998 Bay Mare

Roes Miss Harlan



Little Sue III

Tyrees Robinette

Harlans Tyree

Robinette Star

From the Estate of Bob Robey. Little Bit was a true sweet heart, 37.5% Harlan, 96.875% Foundation. Sadly, we had to put this big hearted mare down in the fall of 2013. She is still missed. She did give us a daughter for the broodmare band and she has a son standing in Oklahoma by Firewater Flit. We used her grandson in 2021 when we lost Sabre Charged at the begining of breeding season.


Mr Gun Smoke

 Rondo Leo

 Leo's Question

 War Bird

Kansas Cindy

 Kansas Star

Miss Gun Smoke

Gunsmoke Gucci

1980 Chestnut Mare

 Miss King Mahogany

 Doc's Mahogany

Doc Bar

Jandon (TB)

King Dib

King El Rebo

Sally Ann Cody

We had to put this grand old mare down in the fall of 2005. She raised some really nice babies for us with two of her sons going on to be studs for other programs. Unfortunately, in all of the years that we owned her she never gave us a daughter.


 Harmons Iron Wolf

 Harlan's Last


 Quarter Kay

 Harmons Squawetta

 RBM Roan Harmon

 Harlans Squaw

Joe Ann Jettie

1995 Buckskin

 Mirada Mia

 Dudes Saber Jet

 Blondy's Dude

 Jettin Jettie

 Little Sue IV

 Roper Boy

 Little Sue III

It is always hard when you lose a horse and it is especially hard when you lose a great one. We are sad to report that "J.J." passed away on 9/15/19. We did retain 2 of her daughters for the broodmare band. "J.J." earner of a Performance ROM in Calf Roping with 14 AQHA points.  Thank you so much Benny and Susan Scarberry for giving us the opportunity to own this great mare. 18.75% Harlan, 98.44% Foundation.


 Point De Loup

 Harmons Iron Wolf

Harlan's Last

 Quarter Kay

 Sabre Ace Lady

 Dudes Saber Jet


Toponas Jewel

2001 Buckskin

Slew Valley

Toponas Slew

 Harbourer (TB)

Palleo Girl

Nurse Valley

Grand Valley

 Nurse Bars

Toponas Jewel, earner of Performance ROM in Heeling, Poles and Barrels. Jewel is a half sister to Big Honey Harlan and a full sister to Miss Pinch. 6.25% Harlan, 77.34% Foundation. We retired her in 2020 with plans to go back to riding her.


Harlan SGD Gold

Steel Gray Duster

Steel Gray Baker

Six To Six

Heather Sue

Harmons Iron Wolf


Bobs Last Little Bit 

2012 Palomino Mare

5  Panel N/N

Harlans Little Bit

Jodie Bob Harlan

Harlan Okmulgee

Harlettas Image

Roes Miss Harlan


Tyree's Robinette

26.5625% Harlan. From the last foal crop bred by Bob Robey. We lost this mare in the summer of 2022 and unfortunately did not have any daughters to replace her.


Badgers Rodeo Red

 Cee Booger Red

Cee Bar Badger 71

 Cross 1 59 Bell 71

Harlanders Rosebud


 Oklahoma Rosebud

Badgers Rodeo Gold

2005 Palomino Roan Mare

 Regers Angel

Regers He Might

 Leo Goldseeker

 Regers Hope

 Boogers Sugar

 Cee Booger Red

Rasys Ranchette

We lost this gorgeous, sweet mare summer of 2022. She was by Badgers Rodeo Red, Open Reserve World Champion - Senior Tie-Down Roping, Open Performance ROM, Amateur Performance ROM, Open Superior Tie-Down Roping, Amateur High Point Tie-Down Roping, Amateur High Point Breakaway Roping with Points in Heading, Heeling, Tie-Down, Breakaway, Barrel Racing, Pole Bending. Sire of Multiple 1D Barrel Horses, Futurity Winners and World Show Qualifiers in Roping Events as well as Barrels. We did manage to keep two of her daughters and her son.


 Harlan's Last

 Harmons Iron Wolf

 Harmons Squawetta

Harlans Grey Wolf

Heart Dee

Hired Stormy Dee

Harletta Hancock

Why Not Friday

2003 Gray

Poco Bueno Tom

Poco Bueno Image

Hugs Image

Watch Friday More

 Tyrees Nifty Lass

Tyrees Watch

Lady Bucks

10.8125% Harlan, 98.44% Foundation. We sent this powerful mare that always raises a powerful baby to Alabama in the summer of 2022. Combines two of our favorite breeders: Bob Robey and Don Stearns. Her 2020 & 2022 fillies also went to Alabama with Tina Coker Hammonds.


Slammin Sam

Goodbye Sam

Fairfax Joe

Maudie Leo

Cougar's First

Johnnie Dawson

She's A Cougar

Sams Darlin Dixie

2006 Dun

Harlans Dixie

Point De Loup

Harmons Iron Wolf

Sabre Ace Lady

 Gray Guinea

Silver Hatchet

Dixie Beetch 2

10.24% Harlan, 13.38% Leo. Some old time blood in this mare. Her 2018 colt sold to a buyer from Wales in the United Kingdom. We kept her 2021 filly. Her foals were always popular. Sold to Ken Raba in the Fall of 2023.


 Steel Gray Duster

Steel Gray Baker

RBM Roan Baker

Steel Gray Lady

Six To Six

RBM Duster Wolf

Sally Six

Dusted With Heather

2002 Gray Mare

Heather Sue

Harmons Iron Wolf

Harlan's Last

Harmons Squawetta



Dixie Beetch 2

21.17% Roan Wolf, 20.28% Harlan. A sweet heart of a mare. Roan Wolf sired an AQHA Champion and multiple ROM Performance earners. We sold Heather in the fall of 2023 to the Turner family of TN as she needed a place that was a little greener and friendlier in the winter. We did manage to keep three of her daughters for replacements.

"Your Source for Harlan Genetics on the Northern Plains"